Workshop organizer guide

How can I choose the workshop that’s best for my group?

After identifying the participants, select among the following eight (8) audiences:

  • Children (up to 12 years old)
  • Youngsters (13 - 25 years old)
  • Young adults (26 - 45 years old)
  • Adults (46 - 64 years old)
  • Seniors (65+ years old)
  • Entrepreneurs (all ages)
  • Educators (school teachers and college professors)
  • FeTM* Educators Network 

* Finance at your Fingertips

Once you choose your audience, the system will show you the available workshop options.:

For example:


Choose the desired workshop option and click on: Apply for this workshop.

What kind of venue is best for holding workshops?

  • Ideally, 30 people is the best size for an audience. However, workshop participants can fluctuate between 10 to 50 people. Some workshops can accommodate 100 people.
  • The amount of people is important to determine the right venue, classroom, meeting room or theater.
  • Depending on how big the group and the venue are, some workshops will require audio equipment and a microphone for the presenter.
  • Chosen venues must be free of noise or visual distractions that could interrupt the presenter.
  • Choose halls, meeting rooms, classrooms, conference rooms, an amphitheater or a theater with enough capacity for the audience that was summoned; make sure that people can walk freely within the area.
  • Preferably, the chosen venue should be a closed space with air conditioning. If there is no air conditioning, it is important that the venue have good ventilation.
  • The venue must have good lighting and access to its control switches.
  • There should be enough seats, desks and tables available for the number of confirmed participants.
  • The room must have a screen, a projector and a compatible computer in good working order; they must be set-up and placed so that projected images are visible and readable to those who are seated all the way in the back.
  • Emergency exits must be clearly identified.
  • Restrooms must be available near the room where the workshop takes place.

What is the pre-test, post-test and self-evaluation?

Pre- and post-workshop tests allow us to objectively assess just how much participants know about the basic concepts of finance before and after attending the workshops.

Self-evaluation serves as a measuring and monitoring tool. It allows the participant to evaluate, on a scale of 1 to 5, how much he/she learned about each of the eight principles. Learning can be measured after being exposed to one of the workshops, to any other Finance at your Fingertips educational content or simply to the process of improvement by putting into practice the knowledge acquired through Finance at your Fingertips.

Ideally, the self-evaluation exercise should be done every three (3) months. It is a fast and simple exercise.

After the workshop is validated and approved, the applicant will receive an email to register the participants and/or for the participants to register. After registration, participants will receive an email with a link to the pre-test, so they can complete it.